01502 530750office@pakefield.org.uk@PakefieldSchool

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

About Our School




The safety and wellbeing of our pupils is of paramount importance. We pride ourselves on being a listening school and take any safeguarding concerns seriously and act promptly. Our staff are highly trained and know how to recognise signs of abuse and where to refer safeguarding issues to.

Our aim at Pakefield is to provide a safe and supportive environment which secures the wellbeing and very best outcomes for pupils who are registered at, or have use of, our school. Our school has established and maintains an ethos where our pupils feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to. Pupils at our school are able to talk freely to any member of staff or regular visitor to our school if they are worried or concerned about something. We reinforce this ethos not only within the curriculum but through visible reminders around the school.

Safeguarding policy 

Pakefield High School is committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of students and young people and we expect everyone who works in or visits our academy to share this commitment. If you have a concern please contact the school office on 01502 530750 and ask for a Designated Safeguarding Lead. To report any other concerns email safe@pakefield.org.uk.  

All school staff receive regular training and updates including how to spot signs of abuse and who to report their concerns to. Our Staff are E Safety trained. Staff are also trained on spotting signs of radicalisation and extremism in children (PREVENT) more details about preventing radicalization and extremism can be found on the Educate Against Hate website. 

Our staff know how to report a concern and how to support our students. The school has an extensive early help offer to support students and families for more information please contact the school office and speak to our pastoral and inclusion teams. 

Ofsted stated:

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, child protection procedures are clear and understood by staff. Staff receive appropriate training to keep pupils safe from harm, including from the risks of radicalization and extremism. Staff know when to pass concerns to the safeguarding team. The designated safeguarding lead acts upon concerns swiftly and works appropriately with external agencies when necessary.  

We have provided an email address to make the reporting of incidents of conflict or bullying as simple as possible. Parents/carers, as well as pupils, can report any concerns over online safety issues by sending an email to Safeguarding. The pastoral team closely monitors the mailbox and responds promptly to any issues which arise. 

There is a Designated Safeguarding Lead onsite daily until 4pm, these are contactable from the school office. 

To ensure E Safety whilst at school, the school has filtering and monitoring on all systems including internet browsing, keeping safe online is important outside of school as well and we recommend parents/carers to download home filtering systems. Students sign an acceptable use policy and we support student’s E safety education at Pakefield through our curriculums and event days.   

The school shares safeguarding and E safety updates through our email messages, class charts, our social medias accounts and Pakefield Press.

At Pakefield we continue to strive for better and monitor and review our work through continuous assessment and audit. If however, you have any concerns or suggestions regarding Safeguarding, please contact the school and reception can put you in touch with the Designated Safeguarding Lead. 

We have collated some links to other websites for your information and support below.

Pakefiled High School

Pakefield High School

Our mission is to ensure that every student has interesting and varied learning experiences and makes the best possible progress in developing their skills, knowledge and understanding. We seek to instil in our students a love of life-long learning, a strong sense of community service and a good understanding of society that will help them prepare for higher education and the world of work. We support our students to develop as well-rounded, mature and confident young adults ready to take up their place in society.

Our schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

Our schools