Year 7 Admissions
Suffolk County Council no longer print copies of the Admissions Guide to Schools in Suffolk.
Parents/carers should make their applications online for a school place in the normal year of entry via that website. If as parents/carers you do not have access to a computer, you can request a copy of the guide by calling 0345 600 0981 (local rate). If you have any questions about admissions queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Suffolk Admissions Team by calling 01473 260992.
In-Year Admissions
Parents and carers can make an in-year application for their child to go to a new school:
- during the school year
- at the start of the school year but in a different age group from the school's normal year of entry
In-Year Transfer Appeal
You have the right to appeal the decision if we do not offer your child a place at our school.
The appeal hearing is an opportunity for:
- Clarion Academy Trust (admission authority) to explain why your child was refused a place at the school
- You to explain why you want your child to go to the school
Before you appeal:
You should read advice about school admission appeals for parents and guardians on GOV.UK.
How to appeal:
Download the Pakefield Appeals Form or contact the Chair of Governors via asking for a copy of the form.
You need to complete and return the appeal form to OR Dr Cindy Peek, Chair of Governors, Pakefield High School, London Road, Pakefield, NR33 7AQ
Make sure you explain why you’re appealing for a place at the school and include any supporting information.
When the appeal will take place:
Appeal hearings will be organised by Clarion Academy Trust. You will be invited to an appeal hearing within 30 school days of the date your completed appeal form is received. The hearing will usually be conducted online using Microsoft Teams.
The Trust will inform you how and when your appeal will be heard at least 10 school days before the hearing takes place.