Teaching & Learning at Pakefield
Our curriculum ensures all students become confident and resilient learners. We aim to ensure students are successful, achieving the highest standards in their education, their personal development, and their behaviour.
Our primary aim is that all pupils develop flexible, life-long learning skills that can be applied in different situations so that pupils:
- See the value of learning, and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through curiosity to know more.
- Learn to be adaptable, to solve problems in a variety of situations, to work independently and as members of a team.
- Develop the ability to make reasoned judgements and choices, based on interpretation and evaluation of relevant information from a variety of sources.
- Develop creativity and use imagination to explore ideas and ask questions.
- Be reflective by evaluating their learning and progress, and set targets for their own success.
- Be able to self-manage through taking responsibility for their own actions and having a proactive attitude.
- Be confident in tackling new types of learning, and have openness to new ideas.
- Be confident communicators, able to explain ideas and thoughts with a variety of audiences.
- Develop tolerance, respect and appreciation of the feelings and capabilities of others.
- Acquire a set of moral values, such as honesty, sincerity, personal responsibility, on which to base their own behaviour.
To achieve this the School aims to:
- Set high expectations and aspirations.
- Provide a rich, purposeful and varied learning environment that allows all children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is stimulating, dynamic and flexible.
- Build on pupils’ prior experiences, skills, knowledge and learning.
- Provide opportunities for pupils to celebrate success and achievement and for these to be rewarded.
- Ensure equal opportunities are provided to meet the individual learning needs of each pupil.
- Engage parents/carers in the crucial role of supporting their children’s learning.