Pupil Premium
At Pakefield we use our Pupil Premium funding to benefit not only student learning, but to support well being. The funding is distributed to staffing, pastoral teams and our SEND cost centres to support this work. This way, our Pupil Premium funding can be targeted to ensure it achieves maximum impact.
39% of our cohort are eligible for Pupil Premium funding, and this is used to support a range of strategies, informed by research from the Education Endowment Foundation. We view the needs of all students as important and we strive to create the best opportunities and experiences for every single student at the school.
The main barriers to educational achievement for our Pupil Premium students include attendance, social and emotional needs and low prior attainment. Our strategy outlines how we will remove these barriers so our Pupil Premium students have every opportunity to perform at their best. Funding is used to support:
- Professional development, to improve the overall quality of teaching and learning
- After school intervention sessions
- Support with school uniform
- Mental health well being through counselling sessions
- Behaviour support through alternative provision providers such as Base Camp
- Music lessons
- Financial support with extra curricular activities, such as school trips and visits
We measure the impact of our strategy through the outcomes (including attendance) of our Pupil Premium students compared to their peers. We use examination results at the end of Key Stage 4, as well as our internal data on student performance. This impact is considered when we review our school strategy each Autumn.
Please click on the link below for our report which uses the DfE template, and covers our three year plan.