01502 530750office@pakefield.org.uk@PakefieldSchool

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

About Our School

Staff List

Name Role
Mr A Adady Teacher of MFL
Mrs L Adams Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Adams Food and Textiles Technician
Mrs A Allington Examinations Officer
Mr R Allington Teacher of Computer Science
Mr T Anderson Teacher of PE
Mrs K Baber Clerical Assistant
Mr D Bagshaw Head of School
Mr  D Ball Drum Teacher
Mrs N Ball Head's PA and Office Manager
Miss E Barrow Teacher of English
Mrs A Bedford Head of Science / Gifted and Talented
Dr A Bernthal Teacher of Maths
Mr I Bligh Teacher of Maths
Mr A Bond Teacher of English
Mrs K Brewer Teacher of Science
Mrs D Cage Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Cheale LRC Manager
Mr R Chenery Facilities Assistant
Ms J Clarke Teaching Assistant
Mr R Clarke  Teacher of Maths
Mr P Cloves Teacher of Religious Studies
Mrs  L Cook Attendance, Admissions and Welfare Manager
Miss Z Cossey Teaching Assistant
Ms L Crisp KS3 Year Lead
Mrs S Cropley Teaching Assistant
Miss D Dack English Teacher
Mrs S Dawson Midday Supervisor
Mr L Dowson Teacher of PE
Miss E Eagle Second in Science
Mrs E Fitzgerald Head of English
Mrs C Foster Curriculum Support Worker - Maths
Mrs C Fulcher Teaching Assistant
Mr E Gibbons Deputy Head Teacher
Mrs C Gillard HLTA
Miss P Grice Head of MFL
Mr L Groom Second in English
Mr C Goude Assistant Headteacher (Raising Achievement)
Mr L Gurney Science Teacher
Mrs J Hall Data Manager
Mrs H Hastings Teacher of PE
Mrs M Heal Clerical Assistant
Mrs J Heaver Teaching Assistant
Mr J Herbert Head of PE
Mrs W Hunt Teacher of Art
Mr S Hussain Senior Caretaker
Mrs C Isgrove Teacher of English
Mrs T Jackson KS3 Year Lead
Miss K Jeffery Teacher of Maths
Ms L Lake KS4 Year Lead
Mr A Letessier Senior IT Technician
Miss D Marshall Head of Food
Mrs J Maybee Receptionist 
Mr J McDonald Cover Supervisor
Mrs M McGovern Teaching Assistant
Mrs S McHugh Head of Media
Mr D Moore Segregation Manager
Mr M Moore KS4 Year Lead
Mrs R Moore  Teacher of PE
Mrs S Nicholls Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Nunn Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion and Vulnerable Care
Mr C Read Teacher of History
Mrs J Reeder Attendance Improvement Officer
Ms D Reeve Midday Supervisor
Miss  E Saunders Second in Humanities
Miss J Saunders Student Provision Manager 
Miss A Schmidt Facilities Assistant
Mr P Seary Assistant Trust Network Manager
Mrs K Sewter Curriculum Support Worker - English
Miss R Shank  Teacher of PE and English
Mr D Sharman Senior Trust IT Technician
Miss L Simons Head of Performance
Mr N Solloway Teacher of Science
Miss K Stafford Teacher of English
Miss S Teasdale Teacher of Design Technology
Mr S Tate Head of Humanities
Mr B Thompson Assistant Headteacher - Curriculum
Mrs G Trigg Teacher of Science
Dr A Tuck SENDCo
Mrs S Turrell Teaching Assistant
Miss K Tuttle Teacher of Maths
Miss D Underdown  Cover Supervisor
Miss K Walls Head of Maths
Mrs J Waters Design and Technology Technician
Mrs C Warren Teacher of Art
Mr M Warren Teaching Assistant
Miss Z Watkins Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Wilkinson Pastoral Manager
Mr G Wilson Head of Music

Pakefiled High School

Pakefield High School

Our mission is to ensure that every student has interesting and varied learning experiences and makes the best possible progress in developing their skills, knowledge and understanding. We seek to instil in our students a love of life-long learning, a strong sense of community service and a good understanding of society that will help them prepare for higher education and the world of work. We support our students to develop as well-rounded, mature and confident young adults ready to take up their place in society.

Our schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

Our schools

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