School Improvement and Development Plan 2023-2024
The 23/24 School Improvement and Development Plan reflects and builds on learning points from the summer outcomes of KS4 and evaluation of the previous SIDP and OFSTED inspection from September 2023.
The plan is based around our three core values:
- Achieve
- Connect
- Nurture
- Improve the quality and consistency of teaching and learning, with the overall aim of improving outcomes.
Key strands:
- Continuing Professional Development, utilising the 'Walkthru' series
- Improved quality assurance procedures
- Develop our homework offer for all students
- Improving the accuracy of assessment
- Embed Period 6 for students in Years 10 and 11
- Develop inclusive teaching practice to support SEND students
- Develop students' literacy skills
- Parental engagement develops so parents are well informed throughout the year on:
- Achievement
- Homework
- Staying safe - including bullying
- Raising Standards Evenings
- All 8 Gatsby benchmarks are being met and each student has access to a range of careers opportunities and events throughout the year
- Student voice is evident across the school, students feel their voice is heard and responded to
- Stretch students' talents and interests by putting a broad range of extra curricular activities in place
- Attendance is at least in line with the national for secondary schools